Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Polson must top city's agenda

EDITORIAL Aug 30 2006
Vernon Coun. Patrick Nicol's call to his colleagues for discussions regarding Polson Park couldn't have come at a more critical time for the city. The debate regarding the future of the park is of the utmost importance to a city that has seen its downtown core go through transition recently. The historic grandstands callously destroyed by vandals are yet another example of some of the social issues facing the community. For some residents, there's also the perception of questionable activities occurring within downtown. On top of this, the commercial focus of Vernon has largely shifted from downtown to the north end. That's why Vernon council must make it clear to the Greater Vernon Services Commission that Polson Park must remain an active area. Polson is large enough to handle a wide range of activities at any given time. A stroll through the park on a Sunday morning often reveals youth playing football, while families, tourists and the elderly enjoy the peaceful surroundings. GVSC officials have previously suggested the park should be passive, what ever that means. If that means removing the track and the football field, then you might as well also take out the water park and lawn bowling greens. No one will want to visit the park except for those who have ulterior motives in mind. Polson Park is a centrepiece that the city can use as part of its ongoing efforts to revitalize downtown. A significant effort has already occurred along 30th Avenue with infrastructure improvements, and Tolko Industries is showing leadership by constructing a new head office on 28th Street. There is no reason why the City of Vernon and the GVSC can't show that same kind of commitment to Polson Park.

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