Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Polson Park Grandstand BURNED DOWN LAST NIGHT !

Built by Vernon Amateur Athletic Association on land donated by Samuel Polson in 1906. Bleachers added in 1922 and roofed in 1930's. Post and beam construction with cedar shingle siding.

View of the crowd filling the grandstand at Polson Park. (C1910)

Crews were called out to the old wooden grandstand at Polson Park in Vernon shortly after 1 this morning. Within minutes, the grandstand was gone. No word on the cause. See photo gallery. (Photo: Rick Turley) http://gallery.castanet.net/albums/2006/August/PolsonParkFire-Vernon/
A suspicious early morning fire has destroyed a heritage building in Vernon's Polson Park. Fire Chief John Lysholm said the fire in the almost 100 year old grandstand broke out shortly after 1:00 am and was fanned by winds. One person from the Tim Hortons on highway 6 was taken to hospital suffering from smoke inhalation. Lysholm says some girls with a gas can were seen in the area and RCMP are investigating. Heavy equipment is being brought in this morning to bring down the shell that remains standing. Polson Park is closed for at least today. Betty Selin, Standard Radio News http://www.vernon.thesun.net/node/397296
Fire Affects Minor FootballTuesday morning's fire in Polson Park has resulted in more than a change in landscape and the loss of a heritage building.The blaze completely destroyed the Grandstand in the park and that's where Vernon Minor Football stored all of their equipment.President Keith Ridd says they are still trying to assess the extent of the damage.Ridd tells Kiss FM,'Presently it is less than we originally thought. We're still thinking we are somewhere in the 70 maybe $90 000 dollar range.'The field that surrounded the Grandstand was also home to the league - whose season is set to start in two weeks.Ridd says the league, which is a non profit organization, will now have to further rely on donations from the community in order to make this season a go.If you would like to make a donation to the league you can call Keith Ridd at 503 7903.(Jessica Samuels Aug 15-06) http://www.1075kiss.com/whatson/news.jsp
http://www.chbc.com/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=13128 VIDEO
Fire destroys historic landmark (Video)Web posted on Tuesday, 15 August 2006 It has been a landmark in Vernon for almost 100 years...but last night, the grandstand in Polson Park was completely destroyed by fire. As fire crews dig through the rubble of the heritage structure today, many people are lamenting the loss and recalling childhood memories of the grandstand. Others are now wondering if this was the work of an arsonist.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's like wondering if the fox with chicken feathers stuck in his whiskers has anything to do with why you didn't get eggs for breakfast...

I'm a little more concerned about the potential loss to our homeless community ... since the city hasn't seen fit to give them too many viable alternatives...