Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Tories aim to restrict two-time losing candidates

Canadian PressPublished: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 TORONTO --
The federal Conservatives have moved to restrict two-time losers from seeking further nominations as party candidates.Tories who have run unsuccessfully in the past two elections will have to seek special dispensation from the Conservative national council before running again as the party's nominee in their riding, according to a Globe and Mail report from Ottawa on Wednesday.The new rules, instituted as the party sets its sights on a majority government, were designed to prevent some riding associations from protecting perennial candidates who have little or no chance of winning.The Conservatives have long boasted about their democratic nomination system. So it was with chagrin that some previous candidates who have made two failed electoral bids reacted to the news that they will have to get the councilÕs permission to take a third kick at the can.About 35 former Conservative candidates across the country are in that position. Two who spoke to the Globe this week on condition of anonymity -- both feared public complaints may sink any chance they have of obtaining permission to try again -- say they believe the standard nomination process is the most democratic way of deciding who will run.But the party says it is trying to prevent cronyism as it increases its odds of taking more seats."When a candidate has run two or three times, we just simply want to discuss with that candidate as to whether they feel that they are going to be able to win the riding for us or not," said Don Plett, the president of the Conservative national council.Within the Conservatives, as in any political party, there have been cases of "gate keeping," Plett said. "We are very, very clearly not suggesting that, if a person has to run twice, that they won't be allowed to run again. We may want to discuss the possibility of maybe that person running in a different riding," Plett said.

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