Thursday, August 24, 2006

Tories reject ex-riding president's bid to challenge controversial Calgary MP
CALGARY (CP) - So how squeaky clean must a potential candidate be to challenge one of the most controversial members of Parliament? Nobody knows for sure since no reason has been given as to why the former Conservative riding president for Calgary West has been disqualified in his bid to challenge four-term incumbent Rob Anders for the riding nomination. James Bereznay, vice-president of the riding association, said Wednesday that businessman Walter Wakula's bid to run against Anders was rejected earlier this month.
Wakula and other challengers to Conservative MPs have expressed frustration with a change in party policy earlier this month that required nomination meetings be held before Parliament resumes Sept. 18. In some cases, would-be rivals had only days to complete a major questionnaire, post bonds and have a police background check.
Paul Lalli, who is challenging MP Nina Grewal in British Columbia's lower mainland, learned Tuesday he had also been disqualified as a candidate and given 24 hours to appeal. "I was notified by email, I wasn't even given a phone call," said Lalli, who has filed his appeal to the party's national council. "As a longtime member of the party I feel betrayed. I don't know why I've been disqualified. There's been no grounds provided to me."

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