Saturday, September 02, 2006

Sewer Issue Could Wind Up In Court
The city of Vernon's demand for Okanagan Landing residents to connect to sewer service, could end upin the courts.Following a meeting this week attended by more than 250 people, a group of Landing residents has decided to look into hiring a lawyer.Group spokesman Alan Hill says according to the annexation agreement in 1993, Landing residents were promised sewer service 'at no cost', but now the city wants the residents to pay for the infrastructure such as grinders and pumps.Hill tells KISS FM, he'll be contacting a Vancouver lawyer, to find out how strong a case the residents have."We wouldn't go to anybody (lawyer) in the city, not because they're not competent but because we want somebody that is skilled in municipal law. We don't think we have that here but we know we have that in Vancouver." When asked who the lawyer was, Hill would only say,"That's not for publication."Hill says affected residents face a bill of $10,000 to $20,000 per home to get sewer service, depending on various things like how the machines are put in the ground and the amount of bulldozing needed. Hill says the group of dissident residents have already ammassed what he calls a large bank account for the possible legal fight.(Pete McIntyre Sept. 1)

Chamber Concerned Over Speed Efforts
to get the speed limit lowered at the south entrance to Vernon continue.Greater Vernon Chamber President Ruth Hoyte says there's been several 'close calls' with vehiclesnear the Visitor Centre.She says her group is writing a letter to city hall, requesting a follow-up to meetings held last year with provincial highways reps. The Chamber is calling for lower speed limits, a merge lane and higher medians.The business group is also calling for action on the danger of garbage littering the highway.It would like to see the idea of an alternate route to access the landfill, be considered.(Pete McIntyre Sept. 1)

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