Friday, September 22, 2006

Bill Baker responds to Removal from Airport Board

Open Letter September 22, 2006 Re: Baker Fired from Airport Board

Mayor Lippert advised me by cell phone on Thursday, September 21, that he had a request from airport chairman, Ian Hawes, to remove me from the board and that council voted, though not unanimously, to remove me. To the best of my knowledge, the reason for my removal was my decision to publicly oppose the $250,000 expenditure on the airport runway without first seeing the airport plan. In fact, after some discussion, the Mayor advised me that, “it was a shithead, stupid thing to do.”

I take responsibility for moving this debate into the public process. I am not pleased I felt I had no option left but to take this matter to the press to create some sense of urgency about the importance of having a plan before we make further expenditures. The Mayor implied I have not followed proper channels which would have included making my requests for information in writing and contacting the airport Chairman, Ian Hawes with concerns. I believe that if the Mayor reviews the written documentation on file at City hall he will understand that I have followed every channel possible, for a year and a half, without any success, to secure a plan for the airport before further expenditures incur. The citizens of Vernon still have no justification for the expenditures that continue to move ahead with City approval. Our boards apparently have no accountability and, if someone dares to challenge the process, make no mistake, revenge will be swift.

To recap, for the benefit of the Mayor and council:

1. January 2005 – First written request for information about an airport plan and budget.
2. February 2005 – Follow written requests. At least one of these requests resulted in a response from the Airport’s legal counsel to stop requesting this information from the airport and go to City hall ourselves. We did, without success.
3. March 2005 – Formal Freedom of Information request launched.
4. Summer 2005 - At the request of the previous Mayor, I joined the Airport Advisory board. My appointment was to ensure that information about the airports plans were communicated to the residents and that their views were represented to the board. This board met a few times but was never successful in obtaining any information about plans or budgets and was disbanded.

5. August 2006 – Appointed to the airport board. I never received any communication from the board chairman and the only meeting I was informed of was cancelled.
6. September 11, 2006 – Written request to Mayor, council and airport management for an emergency meeting to discuss the runway expenditure before it begins. I was contacted by the airport Manager to say such a meeting could not take place because the chairman, Ian Hawes, was sick. This contact was made on Tuesday, the day before the runway project was to begin. Mr. Go was very clear that no one had any concerns about proceeding without a plan and the project would begin as scheduled.
7. September 13, 2006 – Freedom of Information request launched in March 2005 was formally responded to by the City clerk on Wednesday, September 13, 2006, the day an article about my concerns about lack of information appeared in the local newspapers. She stated that as I was now a board member I would receive the FOI information and I again requested copies of all board minutes. As of Sunday, September 17 I had not yet received the information.
7. September 22, 2006 – Mayor contacts me and we have a lengthy debate about reasons for termination. As noted above, the Mayor indicated he would follow up on FOI and other written requests I had made which he was not aware of. Further he did not appear to have read the written requests I had made for an emergency meeting the day before I went public.

It is obvious that the Mayor, and possibly Council, did not have all the facts before passing sentence. I trust the mayor and council will reconsider their position on this matter and reinstate me to the board.

Bill Baker

(Don Quixote: Above letter posted with with permission of Mr. Baker)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This does not bode well for open government.

If there were valid reasons then a public statement should be made explaining the situation.

If there were not maybe it is Mr Dawes who should be removed.