Tuesday, September 12, 2006

"Clever" Blogger gives helping hand to Upstart Local Newspaper !

If you ever googled the Vernon Daily Courier prior to Sept. 11 in their NEWS category you would get Nada, zippo, SFA. The same goes for the Kelowna Daily Courier and any of their reporters. The Vernon's ace reporter Scott Nuefeld who despite writing some credible news copy from time to time would bring up "sweet Butkis" on a Google news search. Meanwhile the self styled lowbrow writer from the apple orchard riting (sic) for the other local adrag (sic), R. Rolke commanded 6 full pages of valuable Google cyberspace.

A local 'clever' blogger, sometimes referred to as Canada's Matt Drudge, (if only in his own mind), used his vast influence with the Google Empire to nominate both the Kelowna and Vernon Daily Courier to be included in the Google news search category and on 9-11 they bestowed search able status on these 2 local newspapers. The families of the reporters and editors (and yes Charolette even evil editors evolved from good families) can now google their loved ones names in Google news and keep track of their latest assignments as they venture from the the cesspools of City Hall politics to writing of the triumphs of the local Vipers in our yet unsponsored Multiplex.

Wikipedia finally has the Vernon Daily Courier listed as media in their article on Vernon joining the local radio stations, the Adrag and Vernonblog as listed media outlets. This new Google capability cements their status as a real newspaper that is here for the foreseeable future.

Politicians, both local and federally will debate their opinions of the journalism that they practice but none can deny that a Google News search will now reveal the microcosm of life that exists under their rock of cynicism and sometime enlightenment that has infiltrated Vernon.

The Vernon Courier costs you 74 cents daily while their crosstown competitor is free. You get what you pay for !

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