Friday, September 29, 2006

Council missing in action

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star Staff Sep 29 2006
Vernon politicians have been quick to provide their thoughts on Polson Park but most of them were missing when official discussions took place Thursday.
With the exception of Vernon’s three representatives to the Greater Vernon Services Commission, no other city council members were present while a gameplan was debated in light of the recent destruction of the grandstand. “It would have been nice to see some of them here,” said Mayor Wayne Lippert, who sits on GVSC with Councillors Barry Beardsell and Buffy Baumbrough. The issue of the grandstand has arisen at the last two council meetings, with some councillors stating that the city should take an active role in the process with GVSC. Beardsell insists the issue remains within the jurisdiction of GVSC, but he invited his council colleagues to attend Thursday’s GVSC meeting to provide input. He couldn’t explain why they weren’t present. “Maybe the TV cameras aren’t here,” he said. One of those missing was Coun. Pat Cochrane. “I couldn’t get away from work. There was council all day Monday and a regional district retreat Tuesday and I had commitments Thursday.” Coun. Patrick Nicol says he had previous plans Thursday morning. “I’ve given Barry my points as have other groups. It’s time to start listening,” he said. Coun. Juliette Cunningham had a family commitment, while Coun. Jack Gilroy could not be reached for comment.
GVSC directors agreed Thursday to hold a public session in October on whether a grandstand is needed in Polson Park. “It’s vital to have the input. A lot of residents use the park,” said Lippert. However, GVSC staff urged the board to be cautious. “You need to think about what you want to do in Polson Park in the long-term,” said Al McNiven, parks and recreation administration. McNiven pointed out that the current track is not regulation size, and requirements for the football field are tight. “If you’re going to build a new track and facility, it (Polson) is not the site to use. It’s too constricted and you wouldn’t get the quality of facility the public is expecting.” The arson fire of the grandstand left the Vernon Minor Football Association in a bind, destroying its storage area and change rooms. While the long-term future of the park is debated, Beardsell says GVSC must try to assist the association for the remainder of this season and in 2007. “We need to give assurances to those being disenfranchised,” he said, adding that a possible option is a temporary trailer for change rooms.

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