Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Don Quixote's Kick at the Can.

The answers to my questions from the July Public Input session of Vernon's annual report were presented at yesterday's afternoon council meeting. While there was limited discussion I was quite happy with the efforts of Coun. Beardsell to enunciate my main points of contention and the declarations to provide future clarification and action.

  • AIRPORT: Coun Beardsell focused on my main point about the airport that had been missed in the written answers. The advancing of Capital Money intended for the runway expansion in advance of the Airport's need to use these funds was troubling on an accounting and control point of view to the watchdog. The fact that $500,000 had been advanced in prior years and this year's $250,000 was going over on a quarterly basis was unsettling to this veteran bean counter. It was acknowledged by the Mayor that The Airport Corp. was planning a presentation of their Business Plan and Prelim Master Plan within the next month and that this would be the time for this question to be resolved. (I guess that Mr. Baker's public venting and my incessant carping on the money side might have advanced this plan from the Spring of 2007 that is announced on the Airport's website. ) I look forward to the meetings at which the Airport Corp. unveils their plans for the public.
  • SMALL BUSINESS TAX BREAK: Once again both at the Cow meeting and at this session Coun. Beardsell suggested that the DVA address this proposal and decide whether they wanted it to be brought to the province's attention. He saw it as a way to help the small business owner in the downtown area and felt that the DVA should give it some thought. (The city is going to the UBCM in late Oct. and will meet with some provincial ministers so time is running out for the DVA for this year!)
  • Online Public Budget: Mr Mayes was struggling with the amount and source of detail that the council and the public wanted listed on the website and indicated that he would have a possible solution for this year's budget cycle and prior to the public budget meeting. The original resolution passed last Feb. that asked not only for this years budget but the last 4 years will obviously have to be scrapped and is indeed unnecessary. (I would suggest that the level of detail provided at Council Update Feb 27 would be sufficient to be posted on the website with the quarterly variance reports provided now to the financial committee serving as a continuing update.) Coun. Nichol was extremely helpful in continue his push for this type of financial disclosure.
  • DCC Rates for 3 Units or More: This point was referred to its rightful place as discussion in the Affordable Housing Committee and the OCP review. This money grab from the small developer in the spring of 2005 while giving a Christmas present to the big guys in the winter of 2004/05 should be the subject of further scrutiny and I trust that it will be. At this meeting a developer Mr Gavin Parsons floated the intriguing idea of basing infill DCC Charges on the basis of lot size and hopefully this will be incorporated into all DCC discussions in the future.
  • Light Industrial and Utilities tax Ratios: The report on these ratios that will addressed a 15 year tax holiday for properties in these classes will be given to the council in early October. Hopefully we will see a thorough debate at an open council meeting of this important item. The building of a new Control Centre in Vernon make this a million dollar question. The manipulation of the business tax ratio at the expense of ONLY the residential taxpayer should become a relic of the past.

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