Friday, September 29, 2006

New Development Needs Water Source
Local politicians may put the brakes on a major new residential resort over concerns about future water supply. Developer Andre Beauregard is proposing 1,260 units and a mid-length golf course, on 330 acres of First Nations Land, between Blue Jay subdivision and Stepping Stones Estates. His company is asking Greater Vernon Services for access to an existing public water source. G-V-S-C chairman Gary Corner says water staff will decide if another large development, is feasible. "We've had some very large water projects added onto our water system and whether we can handle that, I don't know so that's something we need to look at." Water Manager Al Cotsworth tells KISS FM, water-needs for large scale developments are being more closely scrutinized now, due to the area's water supply."We are looking at probably 20 years for water running out at that time so water for new development has to go under the microscope to take a look at how that's going to be applied." The developer says the project would create employment opportunities for members of the nearby Okanagan Indian Band.

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