Saturday, September 23, 2006

Terasen - WFN Agreement

by Special - Story: 22340Sept. 21, 2006 Castanet
Terasen Gas and the Westbank First Nation have signed the first ever operating agreement between the gas utility and an aboriginal band. ----
Terasen Gas has operating agreements with most municipalities (such as Kelowna, Peachland, and Penticton) throughout the Interior and the Kootenays dating back to the 1950s. Traditionally, operating agreements give Terasen Gas the right to build and maintain its natural gas pipeline system underneath municipal infrastructure such as roads and sidewalks. In return, Terasen Gas pays the municipality a franchise fee. This fee is collected through a 3.09 per cent fee on Terasen Gas customers’ bills. This works out to about $33 per year for a typical residential customer in the Okanagan. In the case of the Westbank First Nation agreement, Terasen Gas customers living or operating businesses on the band’s land will now be charged the 3.09 per cent franchise fee. Terasen Gas will then pay monies collected to the Westbank First Nation government. Customers will start to see the fee added to their Terasen Gas bills once the agreement is approved by the BCUC.

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