Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Petition Shows Oppositon to Liquor Plans
A petition opposing the plan to close Vernon's two downtown government liquor stores, generated a strong response.Betty Reid, who represents the store's BCGEU staff, says 1750 people signed the petition over a two day period.Reid says,'That tells us that people do not want to go to the North end of town to shop.They want to stay in the downtown, they want to shop in the downtown and support the downtown. They don't want to drive, many of our customers don't drive. Reid will be presenting the petition to Vernon and Coldstream councils, and to MLA Tom Christensen.The Liquor Branch plans to close the two stores next spring, and open a larger Signature store in the Village Green Mall.
RCMP Get Memorial Funding
The Vernon RCMP detachment will get funding to erect a memorial for a pair of fallen officers. City Council has agreed to put five-thousand dollars in next year's budget for the monument, which will remember Constable Jean Minguy and Auxiliary Glen Evely who both died in the line of duty.RCMP Corporal Henry Proce says the plan is to have it located outside the RCMP building, by next June.Proce says,'I don't know if the city has approved the location. I have asked for a spot in the flower bed just under our flag pole in front of the detachment area.' Minguy died in 2005 after falling off a police boat, while Evely was killed almost two years ago in a crash with a stolen vehicle.
Tension in Council
There were some verbal fireworks at yesterday's Vernon council meeting.
Councillor Pat Cochrane took exception to a comment made by Barry Beardsell in a recent edition of the Morning Star. Cochrane didn't appreciate Beardsell saying some city councillors only showed up to meetings when 'T-V cameras were present', referring to a Greater Vernon Services meeting on Polson Park.
Councillor Cochrane says,'I'm convinced it has harmed my reputation in the community.There's still people that don't know me or will read that and think Oh he's just a slacker he only shows up if there's TV cameras.' Cochrane even slammed his fist on the council table and told Beardsell "Stop laughing....I'm serious" Beardsell says his comments to the reporter were made tongue-in-cheek, but he apologizes if Cochrane was offended.
Camp Hurlburt in Tax Trouble
The city of Vernon will see what it can do to help Camp Hurlburt.The Okanagan Lake camp run by the Trinity United Church, is facing possible closure after having its full tax exemption reduced to 50%. The city will look at providing the Camp with a grant for this year, and re-consider its tax situation for future years.Councillor Barry Beardsell would like to see Greater Vernon Services provide an annual grant. Beardsell says,'You know now that they've described the activity, that it is an assist factor to the community just in the same vain that the Boys and Girls club is.' The church's board chair Loretta Bell-Hardy says the reduced exemption will cost the camp about $6000 more in taxes.

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