Friday, October 13, 2006

Arts centre seeks funds

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star StaffOct 13 2006
Politicians are being accused of ignoring deteriorating conditions at the performing arts centre. The Vernon Performing Arts Centre Society told the Greater Vernon Services Commission that it raised the issue of public subsidies 30 months ago and no action has been taken. “Without this decision, there is no valid operating agreement for the centre,” said Michael Cade, executive director.
GVSC provides an annual subsidy of $126,000 but Cade says that’s based on 2000 budget estimates, and they are off by $500,000. The society is seeking an additional $26,000 a year to cover operational activities. Because of the lack of cash, Cade says staff has been cut and janitorial and maintenance work is not being done to an appropriate level. “We’ve cut to the bone, we’ve cut through the bone,” he said. “The only thing left is to do the job badly. We’re at a crossroads. You can either support the centre or kill it.” Utility costs have risen, as has the cost of labour. “We have staff ready to quit and with the current labor market, we can’t afford to pay them more than minimum wage. Things are past the breaking point,” said Cade. Cade is clearly not pleased with GVSC’s actions. “It ($26,000) doesn’t sound like a whole lot for discussions that have been going on for 30 months,” he said. “Everyone is supportive but every time it comes up for discussion, something sets it off the rails.” And that’s what happened Thursday when there wasn’t sufficient support among directors to deal with the issue then. It will now be before the board in November. “It’s frustrating they have to wait another month,” said Gary Corner, GVSC chairman. One of the apparent reasons no acton has occurred on the society’s request is GVSC staff is waiting for a consultant's report on the long-term lifecycle of the facility. However, Corner says that report is irrelevant to the society’s issues. “We need to move ahead with the request,” he said.

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