Friday, October 20, 2006

Board should look at options

Oct 20 2006 EDITORIAL
If anything could be learned from Wednesday’s public input meetings, it’s that strong opinions exist about the grandstand and Polson Park. There definitely were two distinct camps — one that envisions a grandstand presiding over events in the park, and the other that believes the community’s economic and recreational future is tied to a major sports complex at another site. But hopefully the Greater Vernon Services Commission board heard a third voice — one that believes there is room for both. And while it may be the more expensive option, it will ultimately serve the needs of the growing community best. For purely recreational users and special events, such as Canada Day, there is a need for a structure of some kind in Polson Park. Besides some seating, it would require a concession and storage for GVSC equipment. By doing this, it doesn’t preclude the community from developing a 60-acre site with a grandstand, sports fields and a proper track. And because the cost of a sports complex — for both land and construction — will be high, the project is likely long-term. In the interim, there will still be a need for the existing Polson Park track and football field. They will require seating. We should also keep in mind that there's $600,000 in insurance money after the arson fire of the grandstand. With construction costs being what they are, that will likely only provide a basic building in Polson Park and not the state-of-the-art facility required for a sports complex. The insurance company also wants the money accessed in two years and it’s unlikely a sports complex will be underway by that time. In the end, there appears to be broad consensus that a grandstand and improved sports facilities are required. Let’s hope a turf war over locations doesn’t limit opportunities for the community.

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