Monday, October 23, 2006

City Council News Monday Oct.23

Downtown Liquor Store in the Fruit Union Plaza
Council by a 7-0 Vote agreed to pass a resolution of support for the retention of the the Downtown Liquor Store in the Fruit Union Plaza. A presentation by Ms. Wanda Klassen-Roth and the tabling of a 5,210 signature petition and the assurance that the DVA had given their support to the Liquor store remaining in the area seemed to sway the vote. Members from Council going to the UBCM indicated that they would bring this matter up when they met with Minister the Honourable John Les in the next few days. (More people signed the petition than any council member received in votes during the last election ! Vernon has its priorities straight !)

Camp Hurlburt
Council by a 7-0 vote gave a one time grant for the 2007 city portion of the Camp Hurlburt property tax bill. This is estimated to be $2307.76. Council deferred (6-1 vote with Nichol opposed) the extension of a 100% permissive tax exemption from 50% until further study was done but with the indication that the matter must be settled by April 2007. The Camp has been encouraged to go to GVSV to ask for a Grant for the NORD portion of their 2007 tax bill.

Coun. Beardsell requested an accounting from staff of the cost of the 2 studies done in 2006 (Strategic Business Plan (Fletcher 2006-2007), The Economic Impact Assessment (GHK July 2006) for the Airport Corp. and from which budget (City's or Airport's) the costs would come. The answer should come at the next council meeting ? He did not ask about the PDK airport Planning study of Oct 2005 !

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