Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Clark drops amalgamation bomb (KELOWNA)

By J.P. SQUIRE Tuesday, October 3, 2006 http://www.kelownadailycourier.ca/article_3205.php
Coun. Barrie Clark opened the proverbial Pandora’s box on Monday, expressing serious concerns about a Westside amalgamation vote in Kelowna just as city staff begin to examine a provincial offer made to both sides Friday.Out of the blue at Monday’s council meeting, Clark recommended the city clerk immediately begin preparations for a city referendum on possible amalgamation.The city clerk requires six months of preparation time, he reasoned, and if the province wants a Westside vote in May, then the city referendum should be held in March.“Otherwise, we could have the ludicrous situation in which they vote to amalgamate and we decide we don’t. How embarrassing that would be,” he explained.Although Westsiders have debated amalgamation, incorporation or maintaining the status quo for several years, Kelowna residents have not been involved in those discussions, he noted.“I served notice today that I won’t attend any more in-camera meetings by council (on amalgamation). I want everything out in the open,” Clark said after the meeting.Several council members appeared upset that Clark had broached the subject, describing it as “premature” and “jumping the gun.” One described it privately as “grandstanding.”The general agreement, though, was to defer Clark’s recommendation, pending a full analysis of the province’s offer of financial assistance, not yet publicly revealed.Coun. Robert Hobson, chairman of the regional district which currently governs the Westside, thanked Clark for raising the question, noting: “We’re setting the direction for the next 100 years, yet I would suggest our citizens are hardly aware of the issue.”Coun. Andre Blanleil commented his “gut feeling” is that amalgamation would be a good thing.“If there’s not a big cost to taxpayers, why hold a referendum?” he asked. “One system, one bureaucracy makes sense to me, but I haven’t seen the figures yet.”“We have had representatives at the table; we’re not out in the dark. We’ve had a voice, we’ve listened and we’ve had input,” added Coun. Brian Given, who described Clark’s comments as “jumping the queue.”“I don’t think it’s appropriate for city council to influence the outcome of the decision the Westside has to make,” said Coun. Colin Day.“Whatever happens, we need a good relationship with the Westside,” concluded Mayor Sharon Shepherd.“Our city will always play a very important role on the Westside, but I disagree we have to make a decision today. It’s too early.”

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