Sunday, October 22, 2006

Dean Skoreyko resigns from Conservative Board

10/20/2006 2:36 PM
I would like to officially submit my resignation effective immediately. The reasons are so that I may concentrate more on my business and personal life.

I hope that the last meeting held October 18 2006 was not an example of how future board meetings are to be held. That was by far the least democratic meeting that I have ever witnessed and as Chair you had an obligation to uphold the Constitution of the Party and not allow what transpired. I have faith that you will learn from this lesson and not be swayed by some who do not hold the same democratic values.

As always, I whole-heartedly support the Conservative Party and wish that the true movement prevails.

Please have this letter submitted verbatim and in complete form for the record by including it in the minutes at the next board meeting

Dean Skoreyko

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