Wednesday, October 11, 2006

GVSC AGENDA HIGHLIGHTS Regional District Office at 8:00 a.m., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2006

  • Mr. Cade will appear as a delegation regarding the level of subsidy provided by the GVSC for the operation of the Performing Arts Centre.
  • Arts & Culture Master Plan 6.1 Report from Al McNiven, Director of Parks, Recreation & Culture dated October 2, 2006.
  • Parks Washroom – Sovereign Property Report from Al McNiven, Director of Parks, Recreation & Culture dated October 3, 2006. A recommendation on construction of the building will be brought forward at the GVSC meeting.
  • Vernon Winter Carnival Society Building – Roof Replacement That surplus funds from the painting of the ceiling in the indoor pool and relighting of the Priest Valley Arena be reallocated for replacement of the roof on the Vernon Winter Carnival building in the amount of $17,000.
  • Regional Goose Management Plan That the GVSC consider the inclusions of $20,000 for implementation of the Regional Goose Management Plan when preparing the 2007 budget.
  • 2007 Budget Report from Daisy Foster, Policies & Programs Manager dated September 26, 2006.

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