Thursday, October 26, 2006

Holy Shit Batman, It looks like I have to pay not only for Vernon Hospitals but also those in the Lower Mainland.

Some Frequently Asked Questions About TransLink And Property Taxes
Under What Authority Does TransLink Get Property Tax Revenue?
In the legislation that created TransLink in 1999, the provincial government dedicated certain specific sources of funding to operate and expand the regional transportation network. The three major sources are transit fares, a share of the tax on motor fuels and a portion of residential and commercial property taxes that had previously been collected for the municipal share of hospital capital projects.

Hospital tax – the hospital tax generates revenue for the health authorities, often shared among a number of municipalities. Hospital tax rates are set by the provincial government to address revenue requirements of the health authorities. In the case of the Greater Vancouver Regional District, hospitals are funded directly by government and not through the property tax system.

From an e-mail from a Provincial Government official:
"GVRD municipalities do not pay hospital taxes. The province assumed the hospital debt in exchange for these municipalities paying the tax for the Greater Vancouver Transit Authority (GVTA).

Governing Statute - Hospital District Act
Ministry Responsible - Ministry of Health Services
There are 23 active regional hospital districts throughout the province. The hospital district property tax raises revenue to repay the costs of major capital expenditures such as hospital construction and acquisition of medical equipment. As a result of hospital district reorganization between 1996 and 1998, there are 13 defunct regional hospital districts for which taxes continue to be levied. However, these hospital districts are no longer responsible for capital funding and the taxes will be discontinued when all old debt is repaid.

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