Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Maverick MP Garth Turner suspended from Conservative caucus

680 news
OTTAWA (CP) - Outspoken MP Garth Turner has been suspended from the Conservative government caucus. Caucus chair Rahim Jaffer said Turner was ousted on the unanimous recommendation of the party's Ontario caucus for violating caucus confidentiality and being too critical of the prime minister. Jaffer said Turner was disclosing information on his Internet blog that was inhibiting his colleagues' ability to function behind closed doors. "The theme of confidentiality was not being respected in their opinion and it restricted the ability for members to operate in a confidential way." The Prime Minister's Office denied any involvement in the ouster and said it only learned of it after the vote by the Ontario caucus. Turner, who represents the Ontario riding of Halton, has kept a blog on his website since the federal election last January. In it, Turner speaks his mind and is often critical of the government. On Oct. 16, for example, he wrote: "Climate change is the greatest all-round threat this country faces, and . . . my nation's government should not let us down with half-measures, a curtsy to junk science or a sell-out to the tar sands." Turner wasn't immediately available for comment.

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