Tuesday, October 10, 2006


October 01 through to October 31 has been identified as Zero Crash Month by ICBC and both Vernon and Coldstream will be participating in this worthwhile program to reduce motor vehicle crashes in our communities. Participation in Zero Crash Month is open to anyone. Just log onto the Official ICBC Website at www.zerocrashmonth.icbc.com and register your support. Drivers also have the chance of winning a brand new, fully loaded 2007 GM Pontiac Torrent as well as many other prizes.One of the main contributing factors to crashes locally is aggressive driving. Some drivers operate their vehicles in a manner which becomes dangerous for others. Making rapid lane changes without signaling, speeding, tailgating, passing other vehicles where prohibited, and jumping yellow and red lights, are all symptoms of aggressive driving. This behavior can be as a result of poor time management where drivers find themselves late for appointments, dropping children off at school, or just poor driving habits. Be realistic about your travel and plan for the unexpected delays we can experience through weather, construction and traffic. If you find yourself running late, accept it without trying to make up lost time through aggressive, and often times, dangerous driving.If you find yourself being exposed to an aggressive driver through horn honking and hand gestures try and not react by lowering yourself to their level of poor behavior. If you are being tailgated then simply pull over safely and allow them to pass. Give aggressive drivers a wide birth as they often involve innocent parties in their crashes. Take an extra second before entering controlled intersections just in case someone jumps the red light or stop sign. Try to maintain the posted speed when traveling our local streets and highways, providing it can be done in safety. If you are nervous about driving on some of the busier streets then plan alternate quieter routes that do not put you in the heavy traffic. Consider using alternate transportation such as our transit system or taxi. You may find the peace of mind worth the expense. If you have any particular concerns or questions you feel would make an interesting article please make contact with me, Terry Pakenham, at my fax line 260-5866, or my direct office line at 260-5276.

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