Monday, October 23, 2006


October 01 through to October 31 has been identified as Zero Crash Month by ICBC and both Vernon and Coldstream will be participating in this worthwhile program to reduce motor vehicle crashes in our communities.Participation in Zero Crash Month is open to anyone. Just log onto the Official ICBC Website at and register your support. Drivers also have the chance of winning a brand new, fully loaded 2007 GM Pontiac Torrent as well as many other prizes. Most crashes within our communities occur at intersections. As you approach a signalized intersection and the “Don’t Walk” sign is either lit or flashing this is a good indicator that the traffic light is going to change. Go through a yellow light only if it is unsafe to stop quickly and please avoid accelerating in order to make it through a yellow light. Often times motorists will accelerate rapidly once their light turns green. It is a good idea to take a slight pause before entering the intersection just in case someone jumps the red light. T-bone crashes at intersections usually result in significant injury and they could have been prevented if motorists used more caution.Many of our intersections are controlled through the use of stop signs particularly in the residential neighborhoods. Often these intersections are partially obscured by overgrown foliage or vehicles parked close to the intersection. Avoiding crashes at these intersections is just a matter of taking more time before entering them. Come to a complete stop then slowly enter the intersection until you are sure it can be traveled in complete safety. If you notice an intersection where the signs are obscured by overgrown foliage you are asked to make contact with the City of Vernon or the District of Coldstream so that the situation can be remedied. When turning left at an intersection you must yield to oncoming traffic and any pedestrians occupying the crosswalk. Make sure that you have activated your turn signal and avoid the habit of turning your front wheels until you can safely make the turn. This will prevent you from being forced into oncoming traffic if you are struck from the rear. Avoid making quick lane changes. First signal, check your rear-view mirrors, then make a shoulder check. This procedure allows those vehicles behind you to get ample notice of your intention to change lanes and gives you the opportunity to check your blind spots.If you have any particular concerns or questions you feel would make an interesting article please make contact with me, Terry Pakenham, at my fax line 260-5866, or my direct office line at 260-5276.

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