Sunday, October 01, 2006

Society pursuing its goals

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star Staff Oct 01 2006
Original goals haven't materialized, but those promoting a governance study remain committed to the cause. The Society for the Future Governance of the North Okanagan had hoped to have 1,000 members and a consultant by the end of September but that's not happened. "We haven't fulfilled our membership quota yet but we're still working on it," said Jack Borden, an executive member and former Coldstream councillor. "We're making substantial progress on membership sales and fundraising." Neither Borden or fellow director Derek Hall would comment specifically on where membership stands. "It's a moving target," said Hall, a former Vernon councillor who is responsible for membership sales and marketing. Memberships are being sold at $100 each, with $100,000 needed to hire a consultant to study governance options for the entire North Okanagan. When the society announced its plans in July, it anticipated a consultant starting their work in September. "We are currently in discussions with consultants," said Borden. Even without a consultant, some work has been done. "We've gathered financial information and planning documents (from local municipalities)," said Borden. Both Coldstream and Spallumcheen have stated they will only provide data they are mandated to under the Freedom of Information Act. Borden says that hasn't created any challenges. "Everyone has been extremely co-operative. The information we're gathering is all public information," he said. Borden believes a study can still be completed by the end of 2006.


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