Monday, October 30, 2006

Vernon Woman Sues Cops

by Wayne Moore - Story: 23507Oct. 30, 2006 / 10:30 am
A Vernon woman wants the cops in Edmonton to pay. Kristin Wilson, 20, was in the Alberta city during last springs Stanley Cup playoffs when she says she was struck in the face by a city police officer while her hands were cuffed behind her back. The incident took place during a wild party on Whyte Avenue, dubbed "The Blue Mile." It was captured on film by an Edmonton Journal photographer. The picture ran nationwide. Wilson claims the blow was administered by Constable Shane Connor, causing her to fall face first onto the concrete. She says she suffered broken teeth, cuts, a concussion, headaches, back pain, trauma and other injuries. Wilson claims she was subjected to unreasonable search and seizure, wrongful detention an excessive use of force, all violation of her rights under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Also See Edmonton Sun story Oct.28

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