Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Apple Maggot in BC
BC Fruit Producers in the BC Interior after dealing with the coddling moth for many years are now preparing for a new bug that's already surfaced in the trees in the Fraser Valley. Rod Hollett, Executive member of the BC Fruit Growers in Penticton compares the coddlingmoth with the new apple maggot. Hollet says,"The coddling moth goes in, eats the seed, pops out. This thing, it lives in the apple- they both destroy the apple, they both are thrown on the ground - this guy is is very hard to get. The apple maggot has come to BC from Washington State. The maggot will be one of the issues discussed this Wednesday at the 38th Annual Horticulturalforum at Penticton Trade and Convention Centre.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How much will they want in property tax for this one?