Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Constable Injured

Castanet by Malcolm Petch - Story: 24182Nov. 21, 2006 / 9:46 am
It was a close call for a local police officer Monday night. Armstrong RCMP Constable Rosanne Komlos was driving from Enderby to Armstrong when a deer jumped onto the highway in front of her marked police cruiser. Komlos tried to miss the animal but still struck it in the hind quarter. The officer then apparently lost control of her car, crossed the centre line and drove into a ditch on the opposite side. The vehicle rolled and struck a power pole, coming to rest upside down with the officer trapped inside. Fire crews used the Jaws of Life to remove Komlos. She was sent to Vernon Jubilee Hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. Vernon RCMP report Cst. Komlos is in stable condition and is expected to be released from hospital in the near future.

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