Sunday, November 05, 2006

Council must be open

Nov 05 2006 EDITORIAL
We would hope the City of Vernon holds to its offer of public meetings over sewer extensions and doesn't consider an in-camera session the route to take.
On Friday, mayor and council met behind closed doors for two hours with the self-described Committee Regarding Okanagan Landing Sewer. Officials claim those discussions had to be private because the committee has previously suggested it may hire a lawyer to advise on the feasibility of a class action suit.
While legal matters are one of the requirements for an in-camera meeting under provincial legislation, Friday's session was a bit of a stretch. All of these issues have been discussed publicly in the past whether in media articles or at the Sept. 25 open council meeting. But if council wants to hide behind the rules on this one, fine. But what is particularly troubling is the city offered Sept. 25 to host a public meeting if there are further concerns about how sewer has been extended in the Landing. One would hope that Friday's session isn't the city's response to that offer because only a privileged few were invited inside chambers. Ultimately, the extension of sewer into Okanagan Landing impacts the entire community - whether it is funding, the environment or fulfillment of apparent promises made prior to annexation in 1993. The decisions of council don't just affect the Landing but every single taxpayer and resident of the community, and, as such, broad-based information should be made available. It is time for an issue that's been around essentially for 13 years to be resolved once and for all. And that is going to require openness.

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