Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Courier Picks Wilson

by Malcolm Petch - Story: 23580Nov. 01, 2006 Castanet
Tom Wilson has been appointed as the new Managing Editor of the Kelowna Daily Courier. Wilson, 44, first joined the Courier in 1992 as Business Editor and moved to City Editor in 1999. Including those 14 years with the Daily Courier, Wilson brings a total of 20 years of experience to his new role. Local readers may also remember Wilson for the weekly series of columns he wrote from 2000 to 2004 entitled Behind The News, where he described the workings of the news media. Most recently, his columns were about his experience adopting a daughter from China in 2005 with his wife Colleen. The Wilsons have just celebrated Flora's second birthday. Wilson replaces former Managing Editor John Harding who has started up his own communications company.

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