Wednesday, November 15, 2006

DVA Wants More Police Presence (PeteMcIntyre)
The Downtown Vernon Association is asking the city to take action on some growingcrime problems. President Malcom Dunn appeared before city council, saying one problem area is CenotaphPark, which he calls a gathering area for criminal activities. Dunn says,'Essentially all of our merchants hold that park fairly sacred, and they know what the purpose of that park is. What they see going on there on a day to day basis is not reflective of the original intent of that park.' Dunn suggests the veteran's memorial could one day be combined with other memorials, at a different site. He says a number of their members blame the growing crime problem on a lack of policing. The business group is also calling for a return to staffing at the downtown parkade, saying since it went automated, there's been more break-ins, and women are afraid to park there.While the city will look closer at the concerns, Councillor Juliette Cunningham noted its a complex problem that can't just be solved by more police enforcement. She urged the group to also approach the local M-L-A and M-P for assistance as well.

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