Monday, November 20, 2006

Historical revisionism : City and Torys agree on Meeting Minutes Policy

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Conservative board rewrites history
By Vernon Daily Courier staff Nov 20/06

Initially described as a period of pandemonium and shouting, the minutes from a local Conservative executive meeting have been revised. The party’s local executive met again on Wednesday where they voted to change the minutes from their Oct. 18 removing references to pandemonium and shouting as well as removing any mention that board members told a member of MP Colin Mayes staff to “shut up.” “The minutes that were printed in the newspaper were wrong,” saidpresident Lori De Jong. “The minutes are revised and they have been approved.” According to the original minutes of the Oct. 18, board members began bickering after a motion was introduced to accept a letter written to Stephen Harper alleging Mayes had misled local party members. The minutes then went on to say that the meeting devolved into a “period of pandemonium and shouting.” At the time De Jong said that the party would try and sort out the differences at their next meeting. In the weeks since the initial meeting several sources had expressed their displeasure with the minutes, saying that they were inaccurate and borderline libelous. Now that the minutes have been changed the minutes controversy has subsided. “These minutes are more accurate,” De Jong said. “There were a few issues but they have all been resolved.” De Jong said that after the busy nomination race, things are beginning to calm down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

George Orwell's 1984 revisited.