Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Musings from the COW meeting 8:40 AM

Mr Ian Hawes gave a brief presentation on updates and clarifications to the Airport Strategic Plan. He then answered questions from Council.
  • The first answer he gave to a question from B. Beardsell was that there were no Honorariums being given to any Airport Directors.
  • Extending the Runway was not the main priority but they wished to be in a position to explore this possibility when it made sound business sense to do so. The example of a passenger service airline that could give no guarantee of the duration of their service etc was held out as a business model that would not trigger a runway review. The possibility of a major manufacturing concern that would provide 50 jobs or more and required a longer runway to accommodate their business is an example of the kind of enterprise that may cause a runway extension re-examination in the future.
  • The two reports were discussed and who paid for them. It appears that the Fletcher Report was paid for by the Airport Corp while the the PDK was paid for by the Airport Corp with 50% of amount being subsidized by Economic Development GVSC. Amounts spent were not given but the City will be forwarded amounts expended.
  • Beardsell referred to the "infamous" Don Quixote and asked for an explanation of whether any monies that had been transferred for Capital Improvements had been used for operating expenses. The City Administrator L. Gous indicated that this was not the case and a full accounting of the capital expenditures would be reported back to Council in short order.
  • There seemed to be a consensus that any other monies that the City taxes raise for runway extension in the future would be RETAINED on the City's books until it is actually needed by the Airport Corp and authorized by the Council. (Last year's Finance plan indicates $1,150,000 is to be taxed in the years 2007-2010 inclusive.) Hopefully when the Capital Expenditure Report from above is reconciled than the resulting unspent excess still been held by the Airport Corp will be directed by Council to be returned to the City for reserve in Airport Reserve Account on City's books!
  • Both Councillor's Beardsell and Cunningham seemed to indicate that the Airport was part of the Economic Development function being discussed as a new NORD function and saw the need for regional taxpayers to share in the Airport expenses.


The budget as presented by the Land Corp was received and would be dealt with in the overall City's Budget process. There was much discussion about the $30,000 in Honorariums for 2007 and 2008 and indications that they were already paid in 2005 and 2006(?) at the same $6000 per Director rate. There was no formal vote on whether this would be continued but most councillors who spoke had reservations if not outright opposition to this practice continuing.

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