Friday, November 17, 2006

New Library Facility Gets the Go Ahead

Vernon City News Release
Plans to construct a new state of the art library facility are underway following Monday's Council meeting when approval was granted for staff to proceed with preliminary designs to construct the new facility. In partnership with the Okanagan Regional Library, The City of Vernon is looking to make application from the recently announced Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund; Cultural grant opportunity to assist with the construction costs for the 90,000 sq. ft. building on the Civic Complex site. The library, which will be housed on the main level, will constitute 30,000 sq. ft. of the space; with the remaining area being used for offices. Underground parking will be provided. “The existing library of 13,000 sq. ft. is only 52% of the size is should be in accordance with the 2001 census” states Ms. Lesley Dieno, Executive Director of the Okanagan Regional Library Board. “ Vernon is our busiest library. But having less space, Vernon citizens have a lot less choice on the shelf than they should have and half the internet resources they need.” With increased space, the Okanagan Regional Library will be able to deliver improved services to the Vernon community, including additional collections, increased children's programs, an adequate meeting room and above all more choice. At a meeting held this week in Kelowna , members of the Okanagan Regional Library Board, which represents 25 communities in the region, unanimously supported working with the City to provide this facility “ Vernon and Summerland are the two facilities that are high priorities for the library system. These two libraries are at 50% of the space that their citizens are paying for” said Patrick Nicol, City of Vernon representative for the Okanagan Regional Library Board.Posted: November 16, 2006

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it is time for this to be debated in the open. It did not relate to the aquisition of land! Where is this open and transparent council?