Wednesday, November 01, 2006

No Sewage Overflow at VJH
Turns out Vernon's hospital wasn't 'swimming' in sewage as one local media outlet reported. Staff were quoted as saying sewage flooded into an emergency room after a toilet overflowedon a higher floor. Community Administrator Peter Du Toit says there was a water leak, but it was from a cleanwater source, which was a leaky toilet fitting. However, he doesn't blame staff for being concerned,'The water did come through the floorboards, through the light fixturing by that stage the water was discoloured. So, I don't think itsa fabrication, I think its a case of - we took the necessary precautions to make sure that patientcare was being well looked after because they didn't know the source of the water at that pointin time.' Dr Ed Hardy, who raised the initial concern, accepts the explanation but feels it points to abigger problem. Hardy says,'I think its just indicative of the age of the building and the fact that the infrastructureis kind of sagging and that we really need an entire new building.' The hospital is in the early design stages for a 60 million dollar expansion.

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