Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Review of expenses denied

By JENNIFER DYCK Morning Star Staff Nov 01 2006
When it comes to expenses, Coldstream politicians have denied a closer look at how they spend taxpayers’ dollars. Coun. Doug Dirk suggested Monday’s that perhaps some events aren’t worth going to on the taxpayers’ dime. Any government related events or workshops are acceptable, it’s the various other events that council members are often invited to which Dirk has concern with.
“The invitation to hear Bill Clinton speak in Kelowna (Nov. 10) and all our expenses paid with no discussion, irks my mind,” he said. Dirk attempted, and had the support of Councillors Jim Garlick and Bill Firman, to pass a motion that would make such invitations an agenda item. And where time did not allow the invitation to make the agenda, a simple phone call or e-mail to fellow councillors would suffice to discuss whether such events are worth going to. “The issue is taxpayers paying for you to go to it,” said Dirk. But a majority of council defeated Dirk’s attempt. Mayor Gary Corner, who receives a number of invites to particularly in-town events, said this process was not necessary. “I don’t think anybody abuses it and I don’t think we’ve ever had any problems in the past.
Coun. Carol Williams agreed. “I think that each and every one of us is responsible and that’s why we’re sitting at this table,” she said. Disappointed that the issue even came up, Williams added that such a process would take up a lot of time and leave staff and councillors in meetings even longer than the recent 10 p.m. routine.

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