Monday, November 06, 2006

Taxes paid but nobody's home
A growing trend in B.C. of absentee owners who rarely if ever use their vacation homes or investment properties sparked concern last week from some UBCM delegates. It's an acute problem in places like Whistler and Tofino, but it's cropping up in many other parts of the province as well, the conference heard. Although property taxes get paid, empty houses or condos deprive the local community of customers for businesses, users to justify services and volunteers for local groups. "People who live in a community are committed to the community," said Sunshine Coast regional district director Donna Shugar, adding people who are investors or vacation homeowners "have a very different relationship with the community." She spoke against a Fraser Valley Regional District resolution to urge Victoria to allow mail-in voting by non-resident owners. Sunshine Coast director Lorne Lewis called it the thin edge of the wedge to "mail-in nominations and mail-in candidates." The motion was referred to the UBCM executive for further study.
Also debated but defeated was a motion to split residential properties into two classifications for taxation-one for primary/year-round residents and a second for vacation properties-so cities could tax absentee owners at a higher rate.
Comox-Strathcona Regional District director Tom Pater said many vacation homes in his area are continuously rented out and are in effect run like commercial businesses.

How did our reps at the UBCM vote on the motion highlighted in RED?

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