Tuesday, December 12, 2006

2007 Committe Appointments Vernon

Yesterdays announcement of Committee appointments for 2007 were routine and predictable. The only exception was the NORD selections. Coun. Cochrane requested to be the alternate giving up his position as a director to Coun. Cunningham. In anticipation of this move Coun. Nichol became the council representative on The Heritage Committee and the The Canada Day Committee replacing Coun Cunningham.

No changes were made to the appointments to the GVSV although Coun. Cochrane thought that NORD would treat these appointments to a moribund commission as a joke.

The NORD switch was interesting as it switched the experience of the long time councillor Cochrane for the enthusiasm of a new Councillor in Cunningham. It also switched a Coldstream residential taxpayer for a Vernon residential taxpayer. For the first time Vernon residents will occupy 2 out 3 spots on the NORD board.(Vernon Residents will have a 9-5 vote edge as compared to last year's 4-10 vote ranking) (Consideration of residency should be a factor in appointments to regional boards such as this as they are for some of Vernon's other committee appointments.)

In contrast there is only one Vernon resident on the GVSC Commision/Committee (whatever) that decided on water issues, parks and economic development.

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