Tuesday, December 26, 2006

City Structure Review (KELOWNA)

by Staff - Story: 25259Dec. 26, 2006 Castanet
The City Of Kelowna is about to undergo a major structural review. Effective January 15, Director of Human Resources Rick Baker will take a new role as "Director of Corporate Development". According to City Manager Ron Mattiussi, Baker will "be examining the City’s corporate structure to ensure the City is well-positioned to handle the challenges that lie ahead in our fast-growing community." Baker has been with the City for 20 years and has also been the Director of Labour Relations and chief negotiator for the Okanagan Mainline Municipal Labour Relations Association. Mattiussi says Baker’s background in Human Resources makes him the best person to ensure all City departments are structured efficiently and effectively for the future. The assessment is expected to be completed within the next 12 to 18 months. Meanwhile, Charlene Covington has been appointed Acting Director of Human Resources.

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