Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Council jostles over appointments

By JENNIFER DYCK Morning Star Staff Dec 06 2006
Coldstream Coun. Bill Firman isn’t willing to give up his North Okanagan Regional District seat without a fight. With the 2007 appointments made by Mayor Gary Corner, the recommendation was to replace Firman as the Coldstream representative to NORD. The proposed appointment is Corner, with Coun. Glen Taylor as alternate. But that suggestion did not go over well at council Monday. With Coun. Mary Malerby not in attendance at the meeting, the six councillors found themselves in a stalemate to make a decision. After several failed motions, council did finally agree to have Corner as the delegate and return to the issue of who will serve as alternate when there is a full council. But that isn’t expected until February. “I’m not as enthusiastic about being an alternate as I am being a director,” said Firman. “I like the people up there. I have a lot in common with them, I get along with them and I enjoy myself up there.” Corner agreed that Firman has done a great job in the past year he’s served on NORD, but that it was time to spread it around. “(Taylor’s) hung in long enough and he’s not had a chance at any committee.” Taylor reminded his colleagues of what happened at last year’s appointments. “I was left out of the loop and I don’t want that to happen again,” said Taylor, who adds that he has been attending NORD meetings for the past four years on his own time. Coun. Doug Dirk did recommend that Corner step aside to give both Firman and Taylor the opportunity. But Corner explained that NORD wants those who serve on the current Greater Vernon Services Commission (which is expected to be changed to the GVS Committee today) to also represent their community at NORD. Corner was chair of GVSC and Malerby was a director. The decision on whether Malerby will continue on the new committee is in limbo. Coldstream’s other appointments that were approved by council without hesitation include the building committee for the fire halls with Malerby and Taylor. The building committee for public works will be Taylor and Coun. Jim Garlick. Coun. Carol Williams is again serving on the Okanagan Regional Library, with alternate Malerby, and Williams will also serve on Coldstream’s finance committee with Corner, Garlick and Taylor. Malerby represents the district on regional transit, with alternate Dirk, as well as the traffic safety committee, with alternate Firman. The advisory planning commission is represented by Garlick and alternate Dirk.

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