Sunday, December 03, 2006

Don Quixote Rant re Advertising in local newspapers !

In 2005 the City of Vernon's payment to Black Press Group Ltd totaled $85,796.38. In 2005 NORD's payment to Black Press group Ltd totaled $96,287.35.
In 2005 Coldstream's payment to Black Press group Ltd was less than $25,000 and did not need to be published.

The reason for this observation was the 2 page colour spread (p.a16-17 in Adrag Sun Dec. 3) entitled City Source. While I do not know the cost of this ad I would venture to say it was in the $1200-$1500 range minimum. 3/4 of this ad reads as the Mayor's congratulatory comments and 1/4 is an update of appointments to the Vernon Airport Board of directors.
It is a requirement to post those ads in the paper that are legally required by the Community Charter such as bylaw changes, rezoning, changes to gaming facilities etc. but all other ads are discretionary and subject to the policies of the council of the day.

Ads that covey new and important information should be encouraged but self serving ads like this are unnecessary and are not cost effective. The City is to be commended for placing the legal ads in both of the Local papers (hopefully at a cost saving.) to satisfy the legal requirements of the Charter.
The 2007 budget is up for scrutiny and the 2006 figures spent on advertising to Black Press should be soon available. (The spreading of ads to the other local paper The Vernon Courier should indicate that the 2005 figure of $85,796.38 to Black has indeed decreased !)

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