Friday, December 15, 2006

Land & Airport Corporations DISSOLVED

Vernon News Release
Council by resolution has voted to dissolve the Land & Airport Corporations effective January 1st 2007. The two Corporations will be established as committees and all Directors of the Corporations will be asked to continue on as committee members. This decision has been made as Council felt there was no additional benefit from having a corporation that could not be achieved through a committee. Mayor, Wayne Lippert, stated that “in many ways the Corporations functioned no differently than an advisory committee to Council and Council voted to regularize the operations as part of the City.”Jack Borden, President for the Vernon Land Corporation said; ”The concept of structuring Vernon Land as a Corporation has not proven to provide any real benefit. Restructuring Vernon Land as a committee of Council will continue to allow Vernon Land to pursue its mandate and objectives.” Ian Hawes, President for the Vernon Airport Corporation is also positive about the change. “Directors of the Airport Corporation are justifiably proud of the work they have done on behalf of all of Vernon in their operation and management of the airport. The directors respect the decision of council and feel a sense of accomplishment in returning the operation of the airport to City Hall in considerably better shape than it was three years ago."

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