Let me be clear on the new government’s position on the status of women. We fully support women, the important roles women play in our society and the programs and services that deliver real results for women.
You should know that the Conservative Party was the first to elect a woman MP to parliament.
There is a letter in the Salmon Arm Observer (dec. 27/06) to the editor from a Mr. Howard Brown. (full letter at link above ). Mr Brown states " In his recent

As the posting below clearly shows, Mr Brown is CORRECT.
(Hopefully our M.P. will get a better fact checker or report writer !)
Elections Canada
The 1921 election made history in another way, as well. For the first time, the Liberals and Conservatives no longer held all the seats in the Commons. Sixty-four Progressives were sent to Parliament, nearly all of them farmers from Ontario and the West. Macphail sat with them in the Commons. The Progressives saw themselves not as a political party, but as a group of independents participating in a revolution against the two old parties, which, they charged, were dominated by the interests of business and the wealthy. These newcomers to Ottawa advocated group government in which legislators would make laws through co-operation and without having to follow partisan lines. While they had the second-largest block of seats in the Commons, the Progressives refused to be the Official Opposition.
For the first fourteen of her years in Parliament, Macphail's was the only female voice there. She was rumoured on several occasions to have been offered a Cabinet post by Prime Minister Mackenzie King, if she or the Progressives would join his Liberals. But she preferred to keep her independence and not have to follow the official line of a governing party.
1921 First woman elected to the Canadian House of Commons, Agnes Macphail
"I want for myself what I want for other women, absolute equality. After that is secured, men and women can take turns at being angels." -- Agnes Macphail, first woman member of Canada's House of Commons
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