Monday, December 04, 2006

NORD AGENDA HIGHLIGHTS Wednesday, December 6, 2006 2:00 p.m.


  • O’Keefe Ranch and Interior Historical Society – 2007 Budget
  • Resolution No. 24 “That as recommended by the Electoral Area Services Commission, a Mosquito Control Function for West Nile Virus Prevention Services for all the Electoral Areas in the Regional District of North Okanagan be established based solely on funding from Provincial grants; and, that the draft Five Year Financial Plan for a Mosquito Control Function for West Nile virus prevention services be supported in principle.”
  • Resolution No. 29 “That as recommended by the Greater Vernon Services Commission, staff be directed to submit an application for a grant through the Canada-British Columbia Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund (CBCMRIF) for two-thirds of all eligible costs of the Duteau Creek Water Treatment Plant; and further that the Regional Board has identified this application as its highest priority under this funding program and strongly supports this application.”
  • Resolution No. 46 “That the Regional Board endorse the recommended structure for the Post 2007 SIR Program Structure as presented in the Memorandum from Cara McCurrach, SIR General Manager dated June 12, 2006.”
  • Resolution No. 51 “That the Board identify the Regional Growth Strategy as a Regionally Significant Project and support submitting a proposal to UBCM for 100% funding of $800,000 for a Regional Growth Strategy Project over a 5 year term; and further that the Board direct staff to prepare a detailed report regarding the remaining suggested RSP’s and forward it to the January Regional Board Meeting.”

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