Friday, December 08, 2006

Oglow takes over NORD’s reins

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star Staff Dec 08 2006
There’s been a major shift in the dynamics at the North Okanagan Regional District. Longtime chairman Stan Field lost his hold on the position after a majority of directors elected Armstrong representative Jerry Oglow Wednesday. “I look forward to working with each and every one of you as we tackle issues important to the regional district,” Oglow told the board. Oglow had considerable praise for Field, who is the BX-Silver Star director and had held the chairman’s job since 1999. “Stan has been a great leader that’s taken us through some good times and some interesting times,” he said. Field graciously accepted the decision of his colleagues. “Change is always good,” said Field, adding that he has enjoyed his time as chairman. “I have no regrets in the seven years I spent in the chair.” Oglow is the veteran mayor of Armstrong and he was NORD vice-chairman until Wednesday. He says he’s looking forward to the challenge of being chairman. “I want to build on the strength of the board which is its experience,” said Oglow. “The biggest priority is to put the public back in public service. I’d like us to spend more time on things important to the public and less time on the internal workings here.” The other major shift Wednesday was the election of Vernon Mayor Wayne Lippert as vice-chairman. He captured the position in an election against Rick Fairbairn, rural Lumby director. This is the first time since at least the early 1990s that an electoral area director has not held either the chairman’s or vice-chair’s position. In other board appointments, Fairbairn has been named as NORD’s representative to Okanagan Regional Library while Field will go the Sterile Insect Release program board. Spallumcheen director Lorna Bissell has been selected as chairman of the North Okanagan Regional Hospital District.

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