Vernon Land Corporation members may not receive an honorarium in the future, but city staff has proposed they still be
paid for their work.According to minutes of the city finance committee meeting held Nov. 16, staff recommended the president or chair of the corporation be paid an honorarium and directors be paid per board meeting.At the moment the staff recommendation is just that - a recommendation. According to the minutes, city administrators will come back to council with a corporate policy.Still, the idea has drawn the ire of at least one councillor."That really bothers me," said Coun. Barry Beardsell on Sunday. "I can't believe they'd be paid for board meetings attended."In their recent budget, the Vernon Land Corp. planned for $30,000 in honorariums.
No other volunteer board or committee receives similar payment.In the minutes of the finance committee meeting, members asked city staff whether honorariums may set a precedent for all committee members to be paid.Staff answered the Land Corp. was originally given the honorarium because of their "hands on work" negotiating with groups such as the Elk's Club. Staff didn't, however, answer whether the honorarium would set a precedent.Beardsell said the payment raises the issue of favoritism."It could be viewed quite as an insult," he said. "Why are (the Advisory Planning Committee members) not as valued?"

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