Sunday, December 17, 2006

S.A.R. Program for Squirrels !

The Scotsman
Squirrels to be given contraceptives
SQUIRRELS are to be given contraceptives in a project approved by Scottish ministers, The Scotsman has learned. The Executive has agreed to fund research into immuno-contraception for Scotland's grey squirrel population. Ministers want to know if contraception can be given to squirrels safely and effectively and whether this could solve the problem of the rapidly expanding grey squirrel population and the declining red squirrel one.

THE American grey squirrel, like its GI counterparts, is over here, over-cute and over-sexed. It's overrun the native red variety, which has been pushed to the edges of Scotland, like ginger boys in a disco. Am I surprised ? No, frankly, I'm not. Just like everything American, grey squirrels are bigger, tougher and, most importantly, the male grey would appear to have a way with the laydeezz. Scottish reds tend to sit around mumbling about railway timetables and beer mat collections. The threat must be dealt with. Other nations may go about with double barrelled shotguns giving Johnny Foreign Squirrel what for, but not for us the shoot-to-kill policy. Instead, we're going to get the squirrels to fire blanks and persuade them to Use Contraception. But why the Executive expects squirrels to take to this when they can't get the human teen population of Scotland to use it is beyond me. The contraceptive is some form of chemical - so why has it not been tried with Bacardi Breezer? There is certainly no point in trying to teach a workshop of squirrels how to use condoms. They can't even remember where they left their nuts. • Susan Morrison is a stand-up comedian

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Professor Acorn

We have launched a new website against the killing of grey squirrels, on Saturday 9 December 2006.

This site is uniquely presenting the case against the slaughter of grey squirrels through the eyes and perception of “Professor Acorn”, a legendary academic within the squirrel population.

This approach creates a persona that encourages the general public to identify and associate themselves with the concept that we live in a world of parallel populations to our own, and that it is both just and important that we give them the respect and freedom they require to live their lives without persecution.

“Nutkins” the Beatrix Potter squirrel has been widely exploited to promote the plight of red squirrels and demonise the greys. So the thinking behind this website is to try to redress the balance and seek the public’s support for all squirrels, irrespective of their ethnic origin or the colour of their fur.

We intend to build this website into a mainstream opposition to the needless slaughter of thousands of grey squirrels and welcome support from all quarters, with links to web pages and articles of similar persuasion.

Visit the Professor at: