Thursday, January 25, 2007


KISS FM City Requests Regional Function of Airport
The city if Vernon wants to find out if there's interest in turning the airport into a regional function. Mayor Wayne Lippert says the idea makes sense given the impact the facility has on the region. 'We've got people that fly in to do business, not just in the city of Vernon but to travel out to the glass plant, say for example, out towards Lumby. And with discussions with other municipalities where there are airports they are looked at as a regional function.' Lippert says its an example of the city thinking more regionally. The airport had been run by the regional district until the mid 1990's, when the city took over the controls.(Pete McIntyre)

Tax Increase Put to Public
It looks like taxes for the average Vernon home-owner will be going up about 20-dollars this year.The city's new budget, which at this point carries a 2.8% increase, is just 2 steps from final approval. Mayor Wayne Lipperts says the financial plan has received a great deal of discussion.
'We've had more meetings during Finance Committee than we've ever had that I'm aware of and council is pretty much happy with the way it is. There'll still be some final tweaks I expect, now its time to put it out to the public to get their input. The public's chance to comment on the budget is at a meeting February 6 at City Hall.(Pete McIntyre)

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