Sunday, January 07, 2007

Airport Capital Reserve Reconcilliation

As was predicted in my Posting Airport Capital Reconciliation Next Monday ??? they managed to find the missing $126,045.29 in capital spending from the Airport's first presentation.

Most of this money was $105,599.12 for the Fuel Distribution system and $19,886.10 for the Temporary Terminal Building in 2005. This building was completed in 2006 for an additional cost of $194,204.46 bringing completed cost to $214,090.56. These expenditures were probably invoiced and paid directly by the City and were overlooked by the Airport on the first report.

This item including a reconciliation and the 2007 capital REQUEST can be found at P.39-41 at Vernon Agenda Package . The taxiway Charlie Extension is proposed at $415,627.

I'm sure the Council will debate the type of capital expenditure that are listed and the authorization to expend these monies from reserves that were presented as being for runway extension. (That is what I always thought, but I have been wrong before!) They will also have to decide whether to include the required extra $302,000 necessary for this new capital project.

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