Saturday, January 27, 2007

Canada quietly working on own no-fly list

Updated Sat. Jan. 27 2007 10:17 AM ET Associated Press CTV.CA

OTTAWA -- Canada is currently working on its own version of the no-fly list. Regulations were quietly published in October and the public was given 75 days to respond. Transport Minister Lawrence Cannon said yesterday that the government is now analyzing the comments. He says once that's over with, and final authorization from cabinet is given, the government will make its position known. Roch Tasse, national co-ordinator of the International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group, is worried. Tasse says there's been no political debate in Canada about whether we want to go down this road, yet the government is forging ahead. According to news reports, Tasse said this is such a dramatic measure it should require a parliamentary discussion and a piece of legislation. Tasse doubts whether such as list would meet a Charter challenge, noting people are put on the list without due process, without being charged -- and there's no judicial review.
Global TV post of Saturday, October 28, 2006 has a full list of expected criteria etc.

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