“The best doctor I have ever had,” said one patient. “He is very nice and answers my questions so I understand.”“Awesome bedside manner and listens to his patients,” said another patient about a local doctor. But not all of the comments are positive and the site has generated some controversy. According to CTV, The Canadian Medical Protective Association has asked the operators of the site to take down some of its defamatory comments.One local doctor is called incompetent by one anonymous reviewer, while another reviewer claims that a doctor is too often unavailable during golf season.
Dr. Doug Blackman of the B.C. College of Physicians and Surgeons said the organization has no official position on the site. However, he cautioned patients against taking the anonymous assessments too seriously. “Obviously people are entitled to their opinion based on interaction with their physician,” he said. “There is a risk running this kind of site; defaming a physician could lead to a legal suit.”Patients who leave ratings on the site are given anonymity allowing them to say anything, Blackman said. A negative rating could be based on solely on the patient having a bad day and not on the actions of their doctor, he said. “It’s easy to say anything when you’re not being identified. I question people’s ethics in (criticizing) physicians anonymously.”After seeing some of his most talented colleagues stuck with poor ratings, Blackman said patients shouldn’t rely on the site when making decisions on which doctor to see.
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