Saturday, January 06, 2007

Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Announces Fourth Quarter Allowances Paid to Registered Political Parties

OTTAWA, Friday, January 5, 2007 — ELECTIONS CANADA
The Chief Electoral Officer of Canada, Jean-Pierre Kingsley, announced that the payment of the allowances that qualified registered parties are entitled to receive for the fourth quarter has been made.

A registered party that obtained at least 2 percent of all valid votes cast at a general election or at least 5 percent of the valid votes cast in the electoral districts in which it ran a candidate in a general election is eligible for a quarterly allowance, according to subsection 435.01(1) of the Canada Elections Act.

Each registered party that is eligible for the allowance will receive a quarterly payment that is equivalent to $0.4375 per valid vote it obtained in the most recent general election preceding the quarter for which the payment is being made, according to subsection 435.01(2) of the Act.
In accordance with section 435.01 of the Canada Elections Act, the quarterly allowance for the period from October 1, 2006, to December 31, 2006, was calculated based on the number of votes parties received in the 39th general election held on January 23, 2006, multiplied by the inflation adjustment factor of 1.070 that is in effect for the period from April 1, 2006, to March 31, 2007.

Political party -Payment amount
Bloc Québécois------------------- $727,092
Conservative Party of Canada $2,515,737
Green Party of Canada -----------$310,867
Liberal Party of Canada ------- $2,096,926
New Democratic Party --------- $1,212,255

Don Quixote Comment: Your tax money at work. They even get it adjusted for inflation ! Your vote is worth $1.75 per year and this comes from your tax money and goes to these parties as a quarterly allowance. Remember that next time when they ask for a donation, and ask yourself have they given you good value for your money ?

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